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By 02:00 ,

I've thanked God multiple times that girls don't have to do NS. While the guys have to sweat it out in camo, I get to sweat it out in cameo (hurhurhur). 

Lame puns aside, I've been a big fan of the label since I found out about it a few years back. I'm quite a BNKR junkie (the official site of cameo and its sister labels), by which I mean I often go online, load my cart up but hardly ever check out unless there's at least 40% off. Except, as with all online-ordered items, sizing can be an issue. 

Only a few places that I know of carry the label here. One would be et-i-kit on Kandahar Street (right down the row from the best teh tahrik in town, although my dad disagrees) and another would be Eclecticism, a shop in the basement of Wheelock, which so happens to be Lizzi's new workplace. 

Lizzi's their new "social media assistant", and her jobscope is along the lines of taking nice pictures of the store's wares and posting them on Insta or Facebook. Which means that we get to play dress up and take funky photos with a huge wardrobe. These were just two of a few looks that we tried and ran around Wheelock snapping photos of. 

 What Lizzi calls the "weird Nike ad" shot. 



Being public nuisances.

It bugs me so much that not all the lines in this shot can be straight.



The "what are you crazy people doing in the middle of a mall" face.

I actually really liked the dress - it fits really well and it isn't as short as some of BNKR's other stuff can be. It was also 160 bucks after 40% off. Life.

Currently on day three of what my sister calls our "Hokkaidays" (bad puns are in the genes) and the amount of soft serve that I've had so far has been rather disproportionate to the time we've spent here. Clearing my SD card everyday (mostly because it's only 2G) so look out for multiple shots of Sapporo coming your way soon!

Vest | Cameo
Berms | Lauren Jasmine
White dress | Cameo

Photos by Elizabeth Lim

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